September 01, 2022 00:00

HuaYi Wei (6th grade) is semi-finalist in 2022 Toyota Dream Car USA Art Contest

CONGRATULATIONS to one of our 6th grade students, HuaYi Wei!  She is a semi-finalist from New York in the nationwide Toyota Dream Car USA Art Contest (12-15 age category).  Below is the design that she submitted to the contest.
The Toyota Dream Car USA Art Contest is designed to inspire creativity in youth and imagine the future of mobility. Each year, a total of nine winners are selected.  Three winners are from each age category: 4-7 years, 8-11 years, and 12- 15 years.  The artwork is judged based on artistry, uniqueness, and execution of concept.
There are three-rounds in the contest.  This year, the judges selected from 2,518 eligible entries.  A total of 138 youth representing 19 states are award winners: 9 U.S. Winners; 12 Honorable Mention award recipients; 39 U.S. Finalists, and 78 U.S. Semi-Finalists. Two national judges also selected recipients the Petersen Prestige Award and the Hot Wheels Design Award.  
For more details, see official press release or go to